Creating a business plan takes time, which many college students don’t have much of. As you attend classes and work towards your degree, you should also think about developing your business and marketing plan. Assuming you want to open a business of your own after graduation, you need to start thinking about it now. You […]
Tag Archives | student businesses
Earning money while you’re still in school is easy
Ever wondered how that guy who never went near a book passed all his exams with flying colors? The answer is simple. He tutored his juniors from the first semester up; he got paid for it and his revisions were probably more interesting than yours. Tutoring is just one option; there are many more businesses […]
More Ways For College Students To Make Money This Summer
The summer time is here and most universities and colleges are going to be wrapping up the school year very soon, if they have no already. So, now that your getting back home and going to be around your friends, you are probably interested in making some money to finance your fun during the following […]
Dorm Room Businesses That You Can Start In College
There are so many different businesses that students can start while in college, it is amazing. For many, it seems impossible to start a business from their dorm room, but in reality, you can start just about ANY business from your small room…and hopefully your roommate doesn’t mind! Here at Dorm Room Biz, we have […]

What’s in the water?
An interesting phenomenon is happening across college campuses. Many more students are showing an actual interest in their success and are taking colleges by storm. There was a recent article in a business magazine that said 7 out of 10 high school students wanted to start their own business, this trend is obviously continuing onto […]