You may wonder if traveling on a budget makes it less fun. The answer is not. Learn how you can spend less on a trip but still keep it thrilling.

You may wonder if traveling on a budget makes it less fun. The answer is not. Learn how you can spend less on a trip but still keep it thrilling.
Many businesses require the use of foreign currency on a frequent basis. After all, companies need to travel abroad for a whole host of reasons. They need to meet with potential clients and business partners, they need to keep a check on developing segments of their company in foreign countries, and they need to oversee […]
Image If you often travel for business, or you have just landed yourself a role which can involve traveling, you might want some simple tips to help you pack to perfection. Packing for your holidays is a lot different to packing for a business trip, so here are some tips to take with you when […]
Studying abroad is a great to expand your horizons and learn more about the world while furthering your academic career. However, if you are specifically interested in learning how to conduct business abroad, you might wish to consider an internship abroad instead. Study abroad internships are a great way to experience business culture in another […]
It’s the curse of the freelance writer, photographer, or designer: it takes years to build up a reputation and a clientele, and in the meanwhile you’re expected to work for rates that barely pay a living wage. Well… a living wage in the United States, anyway. Instead of picking up one-off magazine or website assignments […]