Photo by cottonbro from Pexels
Have you been in the same job working in the same industry since you were young? You are not alone. Many people do the same thing as it’s very comfortable and you settle. But that doesn’t mean you should be the same and settle. In fact, with technology developing, it has never been easier to retrain and start something new. If you enjoy sports, why not sign up for an online qualification and become a coach? Alternatively, if you want to go into engineering and work with machinery like Gummy Manufacturing Equipment, you could sign up to an open university and start training within the coming weeks.
Below we look into three ways to change your career.
Sign up for an online course
Technology has developed hugely over the years. With most of us having a laptop, tablet and mobile phone, learning new skills has never been easier. In today’s world, there are plenty of online courses that you can sign up for, which you can study from the comfort of your own home. These courses can be based on anything, from learning graphic design to accounting, computer coding to cooking – the possibilities are endless. Depending on what course you sign up for, some will give your professional qualifications, whilst others vocational qualifications. There are many training platforms that offer free courses, whilst some more in-depth courses you will have to pay for.
Sign up for open university
Online courses are great, however, some may not be in-depth enough for the job that you want to go for. For example, if you want to be a dietitian and help people with improving their diets, you may need a degree for this. As you are currently working, doing a full-time degree may not be practical, for this reason, an open university may be an option. With open universities, you can study in the evening and qualify over a few years. Whilst you are doing the degree, you may get enough knowledge that you can switch careers while finishing the degree.
Sign up for evening courses
If you are a more visual learner and prefer to be in a room with other students to learn, then signing up for an evening course in your local educational establishment could be a better option. By doing an evening course, you can attend each week after work. You’ll find evening courses offer more popular career courses and if you are looking into a niche career you may need to do online learning. Evening courses are a great way to gain industry knowledge to help propel you into your new career. They can be based on anything from improving company communication and culture to learning about finance and becoming an accountant.
We hope the above three ways help you and give you some inspiration on ways to reeducate in order to change your career. Remember it’s never too late to retrain and start something new!
What advice can you give to someone trying to change careers? Did you try one of the three options above? Is there anything you would like to add that you think will benefit our readers? Let us know in the comment box below.
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