Using Class Time Wisely

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I am sure that many of you have one class or maybe two where your teacher is nice and boring. He/she probably reads directly from PowerPoint slides and is very monotone. That would be the class that I was in while I wrote this post – Marketing 444 Supply Management. Sounds exciting doesn’t it? Not really…

Anyway, so what can you do when your teacher bores you so much that you start thinking about the business you are developing or the website that you maintain? Start writing your blog posts, writing your website content, or working on the redesign of your website layout by drawing it out. Talk about a way to be productive! Instead of taking a nap, get writing! Right your posts on paper and then all you have to do is type it up, simple I know. Kill two birds with one stone – your in class, hearing the lecture and getting your attendance points for being there, but now on top of that, you are able to aslo get some “work” accomplished. Great isn’t it? I have a feeling I am going to get a bunch of writing down in this class.

Do you have a class like this? Get writing!

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